This is a PUBLIC INTEREST DISCLOSURE: it is here as it affects everyone, our democracy, the nations survival and our hard won freedoms are at stake. It is for the people of Hartlepool to challenge those politicians’ who tell falsehoods.
Is it that your freedoms are being sold to lobbyists?
To show that political wrongdoing is here, I write to offer evidence and its timeline that went to other politicians, including Iain Wright (MP for Hartlepool).
Ed Miliband and North Yorks Enquirer have now been copied into this information.
I am posting this information on my own timeline,Town of Hartlepool Challenge and Hartlepool Politics.
This evidence brings questions for the Parliamentary candidates who wish to be the next MP for Hartlepool – Namely : Phillip Broughton UKIP, Stephen Picton Independent, Michael Holt Green party, Richard Royal Conservative party
On Saturday 7 February 2015 I received a letter from Iain Wright MP dated 30 January 2015 in response to the below email and attachments – my response to Iain Wright’s letter will follow in due course and will be posted
The challenge of politics to stop corruption and falsehoods:
QUESTIONS: to our forthcoming 2015 Parliamentary candidates standing for Hartlepool, to bring “real” accountability to the future of parliament:
What actions would you take if a constituent came to you with allegations of corruption in the legal and judicial system in this country?
If there was evidence that a constituents Human Rights had been breached, how would you ensure it would have equality at law?
What action would you take if you had been made aware of a local councillors’ inappropriate activity?
What action would you take if you had been made aware of inappropriate or corrupt activity in one of our local council offices?
Dear Mr Wright
Reference: - Your office did not provide one; but is directly related to - Ms J Slater V Provident Personal Credit Limited
I am writing to you because of political and judicial expedience; I am at a stage where I am aware of many known and sense that of the untold numerous cases occurring in the UK. I brought my problem to you in naivety, and at a stage of confusion. This case of mine could be easy passed over - by construction of those holding power.
Though, it is my opinion that as my case suggests; if it happens like this to me, then all are not safe! My campaign** to record employment tribunals would hold the basis for whistleblowing. You may be aware of the method of success in the USA, now as you are aware of the fragmentation of justice in the UK, how will fault be recovered if there is no one holding “political power” to account.
This IS ‘the’ hidden problem that is connected to all the failures over the recent history, which therefore suggests paucity and the power of the “interested lobby” to control the legislature by government, and therefore affect all of us.
From this I need to refer you to the direct issues:
- Parliamentary constituent’s records: You will find that I first approached you 6 June 2008 to request your help and assistance accompanied by Ms Susan Alp following two appeal letters and a one hour oral hearing to the Employment Appeal Tribunal. I practically begged you for your help and assistance but here I am Mr Wright over six years later still fighting on my own. In total nearly nine years I have fought for truth and justice – the cost to my health, finances and family life is immeasurable.
- I came to you Mr Wright for your help at one of the lowest points in my life. My realisation that the legal and justice system in this country was not as it should be. I had absolutely no idea at this time the scale of problem, but as the years have gone by I have become suspicious of the motives of the judiciary and the instruments of the Law.
May I refer you to a video placed on You Tube – Jo Slater My Fight for Justice October 2010* – (prior to my realisation that they was no record of my case at the Royal Court of Justice that I travelled to London to lodge on 14 June 2010) – was it that my case had been a ‘cover up’ and the document sent to me by the Royal Courts of Justice stating it was from a judge (was a false document)?
Note; I have the receipt (sent by tracker post) for my application form and accompanying documents provided to the European Court of Human Rights dated 20 NOVEMBER 2010
I refer you to my campaign with 38 Degrees **…/to-conduct-a-ministerial-enq… which I began to help protect others from my experience.
Mr Wright I need to refer you to the request for all the documentation and correspondence between myself and your office photocopied and returned that included a petition with approximately 60 names, addresses and signatures from your constituents dated August 2008 requesting you to intervene in my case was among the correspondence that I provided to you.
What was not included in the photocopied correspondence returned (that I handed to you on the 6 June 2008) is the following:-
1) photocopies of my formal allegations against four colleagues of Provident Personal Credit Limited
2) photocopies of the alleged investigatory meetings Provident Personal Credit Limited held with these colleagues with regard to my formal allegations
3) photocopies of my responses to the alleged investigatory meetings held with the four colleagues of Provident Personal Credit Limited
4) Photocopy of my constructive dismissal resignation letter to Provident Personal Credit Limited dated 22 September 2006
Can you please provide an explanation why the above documentation was not included in the returned photocopied bundle of documents?
Can you please provide me with a copy of this documentation at your earliest convenience?
With reference to a meeting held with you on 23 January 2009 regarding yet another false document that I received from the Employment Appeal Tribunal in response to my third appeal letter/documents regarding the Remedies Hearing (and when viewing the simple statements of the 2008 Fraud act – could be seen as unlawful).
If this has happened to me, is this the state of the normal operations of justice and therefore everyone?
Note, when there was a recommendation to contact the Parliamentary Ombudsman, were you aware of its efficacy and satisfactory aid to those seeking assistance?
The outcome, for me, at that time left me on my own to carry on knowing my health was under a considerable strain to then have to deal with an unfair and unjust Remedies Hearing at the Employment Tribunal (Thornaby) – and subsequent third appeal letter to the EAT, after you had been informed that the Reserved Judgment (dated 21 Nov 2007) issued by Mrs A.E. Pitt Chairman of the Employment Tribunal was a false statement and did not relate or refer to the true reasons for my and agents (who I supervised) forced resignations from Provident Personal Credit Ltd.
During the meeting you made a remark to me as follows:
“They are not such a big company and you got something out of it”.
This remark, to me, was unprofessional by a parliamentary representative but also offensive and distressing to me.
I was taken aback but responded that “I have children and grandchildren and God forbid anything like this should happen to them I want to be confident that they receive a fair, independent and impartial hearing”.
May I reply on this remark:
i) ‘You stated they are not such a big company’: How and where did you get this information? Provident Personal Credit Limited – parent company Provident Financial Group – are a multi million pound international (corporate) financial organisation door to door home credit lending company and more. As per recent tv (ITV) advertisement.
ii) ‘You stated that I got something out of it’ -Did you mean that the £8348.00 award made by the Employment Tribunal was fair compensation for my loss of earnings, future loss of earnings, loss of my pension, the harassment, victimisation, humiliation, intimidation, bullying, physical and verbal abuse and a physical and verbal attack made by one of the colleagues even after I resigned from the company. The cover up by the company of my formal allegations, not visiting me during six months sickness leave to enquire about my welfare? This is not to mention the trauma, stress, physiological damage, sleepless nights, depression, financial, family life disrupted etc was a fair and just award for ‘whistle blowing’ on colleagues and the company procedures and policies and cover up of my allegations against colleagues whilst the colleagues that I raised my formal allegations against along with written evidence of untrustworthy behaviour and serious poor customer care continue to be employed by Provident Personal Credit Limited?
Mr Wright, as my MP and Parliamentary representative, if an essential role of your remit is to aid constituent between organs of government, I look to see a good process. I must remark that others have help for their interests and favourites. This causes loss of respect, and impacts on trust in the actions of the ‘political’ party system.
Perhaps this will be an appropriate call for justice for the UK. I trust this email and the attached documents will also be read by Ed Miliband leader of the Labour party who I have copied into this email with attachments. Ed Miliband should visit Hartlepool to speak with the residents of this town so that is he well aware why a once safe Labour seat could be under threat.
My fear is for the future of my children and grandchildren following my nine year ordeal for truth justice and my human rights. No one should suffer for standing up for their RIGHTS.
(Note to John Bowers QC., book on whistleblowing).
May I say that, which you may agree with, as I understand it government policy changes have recently made it harder for the ordinary working person to obtain justice via the Employment Tribunal.
i) by introducing charges to make an application to the Employment Tribunal
ii) increasing the length of time you have to work for an employer from one year to two before you can make a claim to the Employment Tribunal
You have also been provided over the years with a substantial amount of correspondence throughout, not only by me but a former resident representative of Hartlepool who also desperately tried to obtain help from you – without success I may add.
At this moment here are some anecdotal points which show the grievances that has built up and come out as prejudice.
May I refer you to the email below from Dave Pascoe North East Press Officer of UKIP based in Hartlepool to Gerard Batten MEP dated 20 March 2013.
Extracts of this email are as follows:
“I write to appraise you of Jo’s general details and why I think that you (OR SOMEONE) should push this towards in the national press to bring a superbly catalogued example of collusion between local officialdom, the Police, local Labour MP, and, would you believe, the ECHR to prevent justice prevailing.
The backdrop is an Industrial Relations Tribunal.
I won’t re-write “War and Peace” at this stage but I can reliably inform you that this is “A STORY THAT MUST BE TOLD”.
Jo will send you a précis of the saga upon request, hopefully this will allow us (UKIP) to get it national coverage which will blow the whole corrupt network in Hartlepool out of the water.
Once we’ve got the press to ‘run with it; we can hopefully see a beneficial boost in Hartlepool.
I’ll leave it with you for now”
I was referred back to Stephen Hughes MEP North East by Gerald Batten, who I had previously contacted.
I refer you to my letter below to Barry Coppinger – Police & Crime Commissioner for Cleveland Police
Hand Delivered to Hartlepool Police Station (for internal post) and email to [email protected]
21 December 2014
Barry Coppinger
Police & Crime Commissioner
Cleveland Police Headquarters
Ladgate Lane
Dear Mr Coppinger
Request for information - Under Section 7 of the Data Protection Act*
Firstly, I wish to thank both you and John Bage for attending my home 22 October 2014 (doctor’s advice) and spending over one and a half hours with myself, Ms Ann Wilson, Mr John Carroll and Ms Clare Wilson.
Throughout the meeting I informed you of my eight and a half year fight for truth and justice. I believe Mr Bage took all the information down in his notebook. I will offer an apology; I was quite emotional during this meeting having to relive all the details of my case.
During this meeting I handed Mr Bage a copy of my four page document with my allegations to Cleveland Police on the 9 January 2011 and again on 10 April 2012. I also provided you with an article regarding David Knight Casework Director for the Independent Police Complaints Commission (available on the internet).
On 8 December 2014 I again contacted your office by telephone and spoke with John Bage. I requested Mr Bage to provide me with a full transcript of the meeting held in my home on 22 October 2014 and a copy of working notes.
I was asked by Mr Bage to email this request or write to your office requesting this information which I thought was unnecessary as I was making this request by telephone, Mr Bage said he would speak with you and get back to me.
From this I agreed to a further visit to my home that was arranged for 1pm 15 December 2014. On the 15 December 2014 there was a suggestion that you put to me which unfortunately was not acceptable as a letter from you stating I was not visiting a ‘bail hostel’ as reported in my police records dealt with only one of the inaccurate incidents police records held about me.
When I asked for the copy of John Bage’s working notes I was informed that they were being photocopied which is not what I was lead to believe following the telephone call on 9 December 2014.
Also, could you provide to me any documentation of police records that cover my complaints as recorded, as I as I have not been advised or asked to acknowledge any notes held by Cleveland police?
I would appreciate this information being provided to me within the 28 day timescale stipulated by the
Information Commissioner’s Office.
Yours sincerely
Ms J Slater
The Government has a duty in a country governed by the rule of law to protect and uphold the rule of law for all its citizens ... It is written in the Magna Carta let no man be denied his legal right and justice. England is either a country ruled by law or it is not. This has everything to do with every Member of Parliament that cares about the rule of law. I am entitled to non discrimination to the rule of law.
The question I would like to ask you Mr Wright is: Do you agree with the above? A straight forward answer such as YES or NO will suffice.
“You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know” Willliam Wilberforce
Perhaps this is help to both of us.
Ms J Slater
Is it that your freedoms are being sold to lobbyists?
To show that political wrongdoing is here, I write to offer evidence and its timeline that went to other politicians, including Iain Wright (MP for Hartlepool).
Ed Miliband and North Yorks Enquirer have now been copied into this information.
I am posting this information on my own timeline,Town of Hartlepool Challenge and Hartlepool Politics.
This evidence brings questions for the Parliamentary candidates who wish to be the next MP for Hartlepool – Namely : Phillip Broughton UKIP, Stephen Picton Independent, Michael Holt Green party, Richard Royal Conservative party
On Saturday 7 February 2015 I received a letter from Iain Wright MP dated 30 January 2015 in response to the below email and attachments – my response to Iain Wright’s letter will follow in due course and will be posted
The challenge of politics to stop corruption and falsehoods:
QUESTIONS: to our forthcoming 2015 Parliamentary candidates standing for Hartlepool, to bring “real” accountability to the future of parliament:
What actions would you take if a constituent came to you with allegations of corruption in the legal and judicial system in this country?
If there was evidence that a constituents Human Rights had been breached, how would you ensure it would have equality at law?
What action would you take if you had been made aware of a local councillors’ inappropriate activity?
What action would you take if you had been made aware of inappropriate or corrupt activity in one of our local council offices?
Dear Mr Wright
Reference: - Your office did not provide one; but is directly related to - Ms J Slater V Provident Personal Credit Limited
I am writing to you because of political and judicial expedience; I am at a stage where I am aware of many known and sense that of the untold numerous cases occurring in the UK. I brought my problem to you in naivety, and at a stage of confusion. This case of mine could be easy passed over - by construction of those holding power.
Though, it is my opinion that as my case suggests; if it happens like this to me, then all are not safe! My campaign** to record employment tribunals would hold the basis for whistleblowing. You may be aware of the method of success in the USA, now as you are aware of the fragmentation of justice in the UK, how will fault be recovered if there is no one holding “political power” to account.
This IS ‘the’ hidden problem that is connected to all the failures over the recent history, which therefore suggests paucity and the power of the “interested lobby” to control the legislature by government, and therefore affect all of us.
From this I need to refer you to the direct issues:
- Parliamentary constituent’s records: You will find that I first approached you 6 June 2008 to request your help and assistance accompanied by Ms Susan Alp following two appeal letters and a one hour oral hearing to the Employment Appeal Tribunal. I practically begged you for your help and assistance but here I am Mr Wright over six years later still fighting on my own. In total nearly nine years I have fought for truth and justice – the cost to my health, finances and family life is immeasurable.
- I came to you Mr Wright for your help at one of the lowest points in my life. My realisation that the legal and justice system in this country was not as it should be. I had absolutely no idea at this time the scale of problem, but as the years have gone by I have become suspicious of the motives of the judiciary and the instruments of the Law.
May I refer you to a video placed on You Tube – Jo Slater My Fight for Justice October 2010* – (prior to my realisation that they was no record of my case at the Royal Court of Justice that I travelled to London to lodge on 14 June 2010) – was it that my case had been a ‘cover up’ and the document sent to me by the Royal Courts of Justice stating it was from a judge (was a false document)?
Note; I have the receipt (sent by tracker post) for my application form and accompanying documents provided to the European Court of Human Rights dated 20 NOVEMBER 2010
I refer you to my campaign with 38 Degrees **…/to-conduct-a-ministerial-enq… which I began to help protect others from my experience.
Mr Wright I need to refer you to the request for all the documentation and correspondence between myself and your office photocopied and returned that included a petition with approximately 60 names, addresses and signatures from your constituents dated August 2008 requesting you to intervene in my case was among the correspondence that I provided to you.
What was not included in the photocopied correspondence returned (that I handed to you on the 6 June 2008) is the following:-
1) photocopies of my formal allegations against four colleagues of Provident Personal Credit Limited
2) photocopies of the alleged investigatory meetings Provident Personal Credit Limited held with these colleagues with regard to my formal allegations
3) photocopies of my responses to the alleged investigatory meetings held with the four colleagues of Provident Personal Credit Limited
4) Photocopy of my constructive dismissal resignation letter to Provident Personal Credit Limited dated 22 September 2006
Can you please provide an explanation why the above documentation was not included in the returned photocopied bundle of documents?
Can you please provide me with a copy of this documentation at your earliest convenience?
With reference to a meeting held with you on 23 January 2009 regarding yet another false document that I received from the Employment Appeal Tribunal in response to my third appeal letter/documents regarding the Remedies Hearing (and when viewing the simple statements of the 2008 Fraud act – could be seen as unlawful).
If this has happened to me, is this the state of the normal operations of justice and therefore everyone?
Note, when there was a recommendation to contact the Parliamentary Ombudsman, were you aware of its efficacy and satisfactory aid to those seeking assistance?
The outcome, for me, at that time left me on my own to carry on knowing my health was under a considerable strain to then have to deal with an unfair and unjust Remedies Hearing at the Employment Tribunal (Thornaby) – and subsequent third appeal letter to the EAT, after you had been informed that the Reserved Judgment (dated 21 Nov 2007) issued by Mrs A.E. Pitt Chairman of the Employment Tribunal was a false statement and did not relate or refer to the true reasons for my and agents (who I supervised) forced resignations from Provident Personal Credit Ltd.
During the meeting you made a remark to me as follows:
“They are not such a big company and you got something out of it”.
This remark, to me, was unprofessional by a parliamentary representative but also offensive and distressing to me.
I was taken aback but responded that “I have children and grandchildren and God forbid anything like this should happen to them I want to be confident that they receive a fair, independent and impartial hearing”.
May I reply on this remark:
i) ‘You stated they are not such a big company’: How and where did you get this information? Provident Personal Credit Limited – parent company Provident Financial Group – are a multi million pound international (corporate) financial organisation door to door home credit lending company and more. As per recent tv (ITV) advertisement.
ii) ‘You stated that I got something out of it’ -Did you mean that the £8348.00 award made by the Employment Tribunal was fair compensation for my loss of earnings, future loss of earnings, loss of my pension, the harassment, victimisation, humiliation, intimidation, bullying, physical and verbal abuse and a physical and verbal attack made by one of the colleagues even after I resigned from the company. The cover up by the company of my formal allegations, not visiting me during six months sickness leave to enquire about my welfare? This is not to mention the trauma, stress, physiological damage, sleepless nights, depression, financial, family life disrupted etc was a fair and just award for ‘whistle blowing’ on colleagues and the company procedures and policies and cover up of my allegations against colleagues whilst the colleagues that I raised my formal allegations against along with written evidence of untrustworthy behaviour and serious poor customer care continue to be employed by Provident Personal Credit Limited?
Mr Wright, as my MP and Parliamentary representative, if an essential role of your remit is to aid constituent between organs of government, I look to see a good process. I must remark that others have help for their interests and favourites. This causes loss of respect, and impacts on trust in the actions of the ‘political’ party system.
Perhaps this will be an appropriate call for justice for the UK. I trust this email and the attached documents will also be read by Ed Miliband leader of the Labour party who I have copied into this email with attachments. Ed Miliband should visit Hartlepool to speak with the residents of this town so that is he well aware why a once safe Labour seat could be under threat.
My fear is for the future of my children and grandchildren following my nine year ordeal for truth justice and my human rights. No one should suffer for standing up for their RIGHTS.
(Note to John Bowers QC., book on whistleblowing).
May I say that, which you may agree with, as I understand it government policy changes have recently made it harder for the ordinary working person to obtain justice via the Employment Tribunal.
i) by introducing charges to make an application to the Employment Tribunal
ii) increasing the length of time you have to work for an employer from one year to two before you can make a claim to the Employment Tribunal
You have also been provided over the years with a substantial amount of correspondence throughout, not only by me but a former resident representative of Hartlepool who also desperately tried to obtain help from you – without success I may add.
At this moment here are some anecdotal points which show the grievances that has built up and come out as prejudice.
May I refer you to the email below from Dave Pascoe North East Press Officer of UKIP based in Hartlepool to Gerard Batten MEP dated 20 March 2013.
Extracts of this email are as follows:
“I write to appraise you of Jo’s general details and why I think that you (OR SOMEONE) should push this towards in the national press to bring a superbly catalogued example of collusion between local officialdom, the Police, local Labour MP, and, would you believe, the ECHR to prevent justice prevailing.
The backdrop is an Industrial Relations Tribunal.
I won’t re-write “War and Peace” at this stage but I can reliably inform you that this is “A STORY THAT MUST BE TOLD”.
Jo will send you a précis of the saga upon request, hopefully this will allow us (UKIP) to get it national coverage which will blow the whole corrupt network in Hartlepool out of the water.
Once we’ve got the press to ‘run with it; we can hopefully see a beneficial boost in Hartlepool.
I’ll leave it with you for now”
I was referred back to Stephen Hughes MEP North East by Gerald Batten, who I had previously contacted.
I refer you to my letter below to Barry Coppinger – Police & Crime Commissioner for Cleveland Police
Hand Delivered to Hartlepool Police Station (for internal post) and email to [email protected]
21 December 2014
Barry Coppinger
Police & Crime Commissioner
Cleveland Police Headquarters
Ladgate Lane
Dear Mr Coppinger
Request for information - Under Section 7 of the Data Protection Act*
Firstly, I wish to thank both you and John Bage for attending my home 22 October 2014 (doctor’s advice) and spending over one and a half hours with myself, Ms Ann Wilson, Mr John Carroll and Ms Clare Wilson.
Throughout the meeting I informed you of my eight and a half year fight for truth and justice. I believe Mr Bage took all the information down in his notebook. I will offer an apology; I was quite emotional during this meeting having to relive all the details of my case.
During this meeting I handed Mr Bage a copy of my four page document with my allegations to Cleveland Police on the 9 January 2011 and again on 10 April 2012. I also provided you with an article regarding David Knight Casework Director for the Independent Police Complaints Commission (available on the internet).
On 8 December 2014 I again contacted your office by telephone and spoke with John Bage. I requested Mr Bage to provide me with a full transcript of the meeting held in my home on 22 October 2014 and a copy of working notes.
I was asked by Mr Bage to email this request or write to your office requesting this information which I thought was unnecessary as I was making this request by telephone, Mr Bage said he would speak with you and get back to me.
From this I agreed to a further visit to my home that was arranged for 1pm 15 December 2014. On the 15 December 2014 there was a suggestion that you put to me which unfortunately was not acceptable as a letter from you stating I was not visiting a ‘bail hostel’ as reported in my police records dealt with only one of the inaccurate incidents police records held about me.
When I asked for the copy of John Bage’s working notes I was informed that they were being photocopied which is not what I was lead to believe following the telephone call on 9 December 2014.
Also, could you provide to me any documentation of police records that cover my complaints as recorded, as I as I have not been advised or asked to acknowledge any notes held by Cleveland police?
I would appreciate this information being provided to me within the 28 day timescale stipulated by the
Information Commissioner’s Office.
Yours sincerely
Ms J Slater
The Government has a duty in a country governed by the rule of law to protect and uphold the rule of law for all its citizens ... It is written in the Magna Carta let no man be denied his legal right and justice. England is either a country ruled by law or it is not. This has everything to do with every Member of Parliament that cares about the rule of law. I am entitled to non discrimination to the rule of law.
The question I would like to ask you Mr Wright is: Do you agree with the above? A straight forward answer such as YES or NO will suffice.
“You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know” Willliam Wilberforce
Perhaps this is help to both of us.
Ms J Slater
- Proudly powered by Weebly
if you watch the first part of the Big Questions – whistleblower Nicholas Wilson who has fought 12 years you will see where I am coming from xxx
(I can do better than that. I have a very good connection now. Best way forward is to write me up a 2-page synopsis and I will take it personally to my connection on one of the major nationals. Any good?)
(I can do better than that. I have a very good connection now. Best way forward is to write me up a 2-page synopsis and I will take it personally to my connection on one of the major nationals. Any good?)