Copyright Mik Mak
Copyright Anthony Bate
Copyright Tom Bell
Copyright Steve Griffin Snr.

Copyright Simon Rogerson
Copyright Ashley Foster
Copyright Ashley Foster
Copyright Ashley Foster
Chris Naylor copyright, taken from our Image group
Copyright Ian Altringham
Copyright Mick Mac
Copyright Mick Mac
Copyright Stephen Smart
Copyright Ashley Foster
We will remember them...
Copyright Steve Griffin Snr.
Amalgamation of 2 towns in 1967
Copyright Steve Griffin Senior 2014

A Charity fund raising group based on Hartlepool and near surrounding areas to the Town, past and present. Modern day photographs, History Photographs and films, People from Hartlepool, Buildings of Hartlepool past and present, music groups past and present photographs and film, Topics that are relevant to our community, (for example events, shows etc. that our community may want to attend). News on Hartlepool. Charity posts and raising funds for charity.
Please join our FaceBook Group, by taking the links shown under and asking to join
26216 MEMBERS NOW on Town of Hartlepool main FB site as
at 22ndOctober 2020. We started the FB group on October 31st 2013.
On average over 421 Visits per day to our web site, on 25th of April 2018, we saw 881 visitors on 27th June, 571 visitors on 23rd of April, all in just over 50 months, please take the link underneath and join us.
Please take links underneath and join our Open groups.
Town of Hartlepool Mothers and Babies and more
(this is our newest group created 28th October 2016)
Town of Hartlepool members on holiday
Town of Hartlepool whats on around the town
Hartlepool in Images
Town of Hartlepool Gardens
Town of Hartlepool
photography and videography media group
Town of Hartlepool Memorials
Please take link underneath and join our Closed group.
Town of Hartlepool and HISTORY OF HARTLEPOOL
Town Of Hartlepool Family and School memories
Please join our FaceBook Group, by taking the links shown under and asking to join
26216 MEMBERS NOW on Town of Hartlepool main FB site as
at 22ndOctober 2020. We started the FB group on October 31st 2013.
On average over 421 Visits per day to our web site, on 25th of April 2018, we saw 881 visitors on 27th June, 571 visitors on 23rd of April, all in just over 50 months, please take the link underneath and join us.
Please take links underneath and join our Open groups.
Town of Hartlepool Mothers and Babies and more
(this is our newest group created 28th October 2016)
Town of Hartlepool members on holiday
Town of Hartlepool whats on around the town
Hartlepool in Images
Town of Hartlepool Gardens
Town of Hartlepool
photography and videography media group
Town of Hartlepool Memorials
Please take link underneath and join our Closed group.
Town of Hartlepool and HISTORY OF HARTLEPOOL
Town Of Hartlepool Family and School memories
PHOENIX VARIETY SHOWGROUP Our showreel Phoenix 1st ever performance 1st June 2018
Town Of Hartlepool are pleased to announce that our Phoenix Variety Showgroup have now finished their DVD of Live performances.
The first batch of DVDs will be distributed to our towns Care Homes by Hartlepool Borough Council. We thank Shane Moore for his help with this.
The DVD is free to Care Homes in the hope that it helps residents and staff to raise spirits. The DVD lasts for 64 minutes.
We unfortunately had to stop entertaining early 2020 as our shows were cancelled due to the epidemic and restraints.
The DVD will be on general sale shortly as we await the printers to complete the covers.
Details of the charity we are supporting will be announced shortly as all profits gained from the sales will be forwarded to the chosen charity or fund raiser.
Thank you everyone hope we see you in the near future.
For a view of Phoenix please take this link, it’s nothing like the finished DVD though.
Regards Derrick
Copyright Andrew R.Dorrian
Copyright Ashley Foster
Copyright Andrew R.Dorrian
Copyright Andrew R.Dorrian
Not forgetting our dearly loved PHOENIX member, the late RALPH WARD
Big shout out for poppy day, Wednesday 11th of November and Sian Cameron and all volunteers involved.
Please try and help by purchasing a poppy.
Its not going to be easy this year due to the Coronavirus but your kindness will be really appreciated, God Bless you all xxx Shirley sings We'll Meet Again Shirley sings White Cliffs of Dover Shirley sings BOBBY'S GIRL
Copyright Mick Lynch
Copyright M.McKie
Copyright Terry Ward
Town of Hartlepool Services, Recommendations, job vacancies and more
Copyright Mick Mac 2016
Copyright Ashley Foster
Copyright Ashley Foster, our Marina 2016
Copyright Iain Doherty
November 1st 2016
In the report, North Tees and Hartlepool Hospitals NHS Trust chief executive and project leader Alan Foster said: “To do nothing is not an option. Read More James Cook reveals some of its strangest A&E admissions as unit is described as 'very busy' “Our plan is ambitious, and will deliver a transformed system for our workforce and local population, delivering robust clinical rotas with access to a full range of specialists, delivery of community hubs, speedy diagnostics and integrated teams. “This will lead to better patient outcomes with shorter hospital stays, improved access to GPs in a financially sustainable system.”
The late Keith Fisher, never forgotten for the work he did in trying to save our hospital
This is our Town of Hartlepool, full replay of disc 2 of DVD1, (over 1 hour of viewing) it was released last year. HOPEFULLY WHETTING YOUR APPETITE FOR OUR RELEASE OF DVD2, please take the link under here, don't forget to turn Queen music off at top of page.
Copyright Tom Collins
Copyright Stephen Parker
Copyright David Relton
Copyright David Relton
Copyright Steve Griffin Snr.
Copyright Steve Griffin Snr.
Copyright Steve Griffin Snr.
Copyright Steve Griffin Snr.
Copyright Michael McLoughlin
Copyright Michael McGloughlin
Copyright David Hall
Copyright David Hall
Copyuright Steve Griffin Snr.
Copyright Steve Griffin Snr
Copyright Anthony Bate
Copyright Steve Griffin Snr.
Copyright Michael McLoughlin
Copyright Steve Griffin Snr.
Copyright Steve Griffin Snr
Copyright Gary Coussons
Copyright Karl Laundon Copyright Iain Doherty
Copyright Athony Bate Copyright Steve Griffin Snr.
Copyright Steve Griffin Snr. Copyright Michael McGloughlin
Copyrights Michael McLoughlin
Copyright Michael McLoughlin
Copyright Iain Doherty
Copyright Michael McLoughlin
The Great Marquess Steam Train passing through Hartlepool today 21/3/15
Copyright Joanne Shaw
No. 61994 The Great Marquess was purchased by Viscount Garnock and has survived into preservation. The Great Marquess is currently owned by John Cameron and is based at Thornton Junction (Scotland)
Copyright Steve Griffin Snr.
Copyright David Hall - Warrior Park Duck Pond
Copyright David Hall
Tony Wascoe (or do you know better) speaks the facts page 36
Copyright Geoff Todhunter
Copyright Caroline Brown 18th January 2015 First Sign Of Snow That's Laid
Copyright Anthony Bate
Winter approaches, Ward Jackson Park, copyright Geoff Todhunter
Copyright Anna McCarthy
Copyright Steve Griffin Snr.
Copyright Brian Bray
Added by Peter Hanlon A Ray Wilson painting copyrighted
Carol Newman I would like to share my Gran’s memories of the Bombardment. She was Lily Chappell and was 16 when the Bombardment happened - the trauma of the day stayed with her for the rest of her life. Her family lived in Albany Street. She wrote this short piece when she was in her eighties and I think she just had to get what she remembered down on paper. It looks like she knew some of those who sadly lost their lives that day, mentioning Alfie Claude and the Cornforth girls.

The funeral of Private Theo Jones, first British soldier killed on British soil as a result of The German Bombardment 16th December 1914
DECEMBER 16TH 2014 100 years ago, Film created by Hartlepool CFE
Tuesday 16th December would be a good time for everyone to show their respect for our killed and injured by placing a candle in the window...light up the town. Will you join me? Thanks to member Joanne Shaw.
Whilst listening to this clip of The Last Post film, please turn off background music at top of page
Go to page 01 for Photographs taken on the special remembrance of 16th December 1916 held on 16th December 2014
16th December 2014 Hartlepool Remembers, further pics on page 01
Copyright Iain Doherty
Copyright Caroline Brown
Sea cadets playing last post at Bombarded at College of Further Education on 11th December 2014.
Please go to our events page 25 for details of coming events
A big thank you to Dawson Straughan who has offered to send copies of these photographs out (by e.mail ) to anyone making a small contribution to our fund raisings,
please contact, [email protected]
Hartlepool ukulele group"" are playing here at Ward Jackson Park on the 20th December 2014 between 3pm and 6pm. Added by Brian Edmenson.
A fabulous montage of members photographs created by member Kate Bell
The DVD 1 will make excellent Christmas present
Donated by Andrea Kay
Go to page 25 for events.
Copyright Steve Griffin Snr.
Gotcha Copyright David Relton
Copyright Anthony Bate
Photograph taken by Peter Vicente, Extreme right, we will get him next time, 24th October 2014.
LtoR Ian Malcolmson, Derrick Rowbotham, Bill Henderson, Jim Robson, Stan Laundon
Photograph taken by Bill Henderson, 31st November 2014, LtoR Stan Laundon, Derrick Rowbotham,
Tony Wascoe, Tonys good lady, Shirley and Jim Robson.
Stan Laundon
See Stan on there's a Teer in my Beer
We work very closely with good friend, Stan Laundon, who also has a very comprehensive web site that contains some wonderful history facts and photographs. Stan has got the most incredible history of local musisic history you will ever find, Please visit by taking the following link,
Most Images and video shown are copyrighted by the owner of the work and that owner is listed with their work
A lot of our members obviously take photographs from books and newspapers and whilst we do our best to obtain copyright information, we can not be held responsible for any copyright omissions, if you have the details of copyrights that are missing please contact ourselves and we will certainly add to any photograph/s that require updating.You can contact ourselves by joining our FB page on
.THESE ARE OUR RULES FOR OUR FACEBOOK GROUP Please read and abide by our rules, yes we know this is long winded but experience has shown us this lengthy notice is needed, thank you.
This FB group does not support drug abuse or racism.
Would members please observe our group rules which also contain the names of all admin in our group. We have lost a few members recently because of contraventions of the rules. We will always have problems due to the group being so large and popular. We realise this and we do our best to monitor with our 16 strong admin team.
In case you have not read the rules here is a copy of them, thank you all for your understanding.
Welcome to the Town of Hartlepool page. We are a FB group looking after our community.History is great nostalgia but present times are a more important time to us all. We have decided to upgrade our group and include near surrounding areas of Hartlepool.Also our posts will at times cover topics that are national but effect our towns issues.
It is our intention to make your experience both interesting and enjoyable which is why we have also produced the website but please be aware that we do have rules that need to be abided by so that all content is comfortable for our members. If at any time you have any issues please report to any one of the following Administrators:: Derrick Rowbotham, Sherry George, Iain Doherty, David Stubbs, Bill Henderson, Ashley Foster, Mark Ned Flounders, ,Geoff Todhunter, Julie Christine Gretton, Ian Altringham, Andrew Johnson ,Nicola Smith, Bob Cross, Ian Reay
We try our best to stay away from political issues but from time to time these may arise, we ask for members to try and stay off political posts but realise that sometimes this issue crosses on some posts. We therefore ask you to not cause frictions, we realise that you have opinions to express. We will monitor your posts and if considered to be posted to cause the group unrest they will be deleted. Please understand we are not here to allow any gripes you may have with any ruling authority. If necessary admin will delete such posts and take action against the violations or member /s responsible. THIS IS A CLOSED GROUP.
Your wonderful images, videos and documents are extremely valued for the enjoyment of all but we are unable to allow any specific direct advertisements on the site with the exception of charity advertising and advertising of community posts that give knowledge and valuable information to our members.Please do not post specific advertising of goods etc, please post them on our sub group Town of Hartlepool what's on around the town, this group is a public group and can be viewed by anyone on FB.
When posting pics:
Please ensure that the name of the owner of the photograph you are posting is mentioned if it is not yours.
We, the administrators of Town of Hartlepool, will, at no time, tolerate any swearing or comments, in any shape or form, that are deemed personal, derogatory, critical, or insulting against any persons, business or organisation and this has been put in place to safe guard every participant of this site. If a member considers a comment to be offensive then please contact admin directly as it is of our view that this site continues to grow into a friendly, comfortable, easy going facility so that members are able to enjoy the truly amazing sights, old and new, of Hartlepool and it’s wonderful people. Please be aware, if a member uses swearing in their comments, or is deemed to be argumentative and/or hostile to other members then their comments will be deleted without prior notice and they, themselves, may receive an immediate ban from the site.
By posting any films, images, photographs etc, to Town of Hartlepool, you are giving permission for them to be used to produce DVDs or publication, which we will manufacture for the purpose of raising monies for the benefit of local charities.
We would also like to remind members that any photograph, document or video film that solely features images of animals, flowers or birds or any image that does not relate to Hartlepool or surrounding areas affiliated with hartlepool, will be deleted. We the administrators will allow certain exceptions if we consider an upload by a member has a value factor for educational information for members, this clause has been added for the benefit that this may aid our younger members in their education. This is not because we do not enjoy these interesting, enjoyable photographs, because we really do, but Facebook only allows a certain amount of images to be portrayed before they disappear forever and we do not want to lose any of the great work contained on this site.
The images, photographs and films contained are all donated by our members and no monies have been paid for any of the contents displayed and neither have we downloaded any of our images, photographs or film from any other group sites or used known copyrighted material without the owners permission. We have received no grants or help with any funding and refer all our ideas to our team of administrators and actively welcome members for their opinions.
Where necessary we have tried to gain or have obtained the appropriate permission needed to use any content either on this group site or on any DVD or publication we may produce.
It's come to our notice that pics are being taken off Town of Hartlepool group( which is a closed group ) and posted on History of Hartlepool in Images (this group is an open group seen by anyone). We point out that the original pics/photographs on our group contain the copyright owners name, some watermarked with the owners link to their photographic site, whenever possible, and even if the owners name is not posted we have been granted rights to show these pictures in our own right but not for members to blatantly upload to other sites as this becomes copyright infringement. If you want to upload any work shown on Town of Hartlepool please ask admin for permissions, further misuse of owners copyrighted work will lead to the member being responsible for theft of that work which carries heavy criminal penalties, your understanding of this would be greatly appreciated.
We sincerely hope this meets with your understanding so sit back, relax and enjoy……
Many, many thanks from- The Administrators of Town of Hartlepool.
This FB group does not support drug abuse or racism.
Would members please observe our group rules which also contain the names of all admin in our group. We have lost a few members recently because of contraventions of the rules. We will always have problems due to the group being so large and popular. We realise this and we do our best to monitor with our 16 strong admin team.
In case you have not read the rules here is a copy of them, thank you all for your understanding.
Welcome to the Town of Hartlepool page. We are a FB group looking after our community.History is great nostalgia but present times are a more important time to us all. We have decided to upgrade our group and include near surrounding areas of Hartlepool.Also our posts will at times cover topics that are national but effect our towns issues.
It is our intention to make your experience both interesting and enjoyable which is why we have also produced the website but please be aware that we do have rules that need to be abided by so that all content is comfortable for our members. If at any time you have any issues please report to any one of the following Administrators:: Derrick Rowbotham, Sherry George, Iain Doherty, David Stubbs, Bill Henderson, Ashley Foster, Mark Ned Flounders, ,Geoff Todhunter, Julie Christine Gretton, Ian Altringham, Andrew Johnson ,Nicola Smith, Bob Cross, Ian Reay
We try our best to stay away from political issues but from time to time these may arise, we ask for members to try and stay off political posts but realise that sometimes this issue crosses on some posts. We therefore ask you to not cause frictions, we realise that you have opinions to express. We will monitor your posts and if considered to be posted to cause the group unrest they will be deleted. Please understand we are not here to allow any gripes you may have with any ruling authority. If necessary admin will delete such posts and take action against the violations or member /s responsible. THIS IS A CLOSED GROUP.
Your wonderful images, videos and documents are extremely valued for the enjoyment of all but we are unable to allow any specific direct advertisements on the site with the exception of charity advertising and advertising of community posts that give knowledge and valuable information to our members.Please do not post specific advertising of goods etc, please post them on our sub group Town of Hartlepool what's on around the town, this group is a public group and can be viewed by anyone on FB.
When posting pics:
Please ensure that the name of the owner of the photograph you are posting is mentioned if it is not yours.
We, the administrators of Town of Hartlepool, will, at no time, tolerate any swearing or comments, in any shape or form, that are deemed personal, derogatory, critical, or insulting against any persons, business or organisation and this has been put in place to safe guard every participant of this site. If a member considers a comment to be offensive then please contact admin directly as it is of our view that this site continues to grow into a friendly, comfortable, easy going facility so that members are able to enjoy the truly amazing sights, old and new, of Hartlepool and it’s wonderful people. Please be aware, if a member uses swearing in their comments, or is deemed to be argumentative and/or hostile to other members then their comments will be deleted without prior notice and they, themselves, may receive an immediate ban from the site.
By posting any films, images, photographs etc, to Town of Hartlepool, you are giving permission for them to be used to produce DVDs or publication, which we will manufacture for the purpose of raising monies for the benefit of local charities.
We would also like to remind members that any photograph, document or video film that solely features images of animals, flowers or birds or any image that does not relate to Hartlepool or surrounding areas affiliated with hartlepool, will be deleted. We the administrators will allow certain exceptions if we consider an upload by a member has a value factor for educational information for members, this clause has been added for the benefit that this may aid our younger members in their education. This is not because we do not enjoy these interesting, enjoyable photographs, because we really do, but Facebook only allows a certain amount of images to be portrayed before they disappear forever and we do not want to lose any of the great work contained on this site.
The images, photographs and films contained are all donated by our members and no monies have been paid for any of the contents displayed and neither have we downloaded any of our images, photographs or film from any other group sites or used known copyrighted material without the owners permission. We have received no grants or help with any funding and refer all our ideas to our team of administrators and actively welcome members for their opinions.
Where necessary we have tried to gain or have obtained the appropriate permission needed to use any content either on this group site or on any DVD or publication we may produce.
It's come to our notice that pics are being taken off Town of Hartlepool group( which is a closed group ) and posted on History of Hartlepool in Images (this group is an open group seen by anyone). We point out that the original pics/photographs on our group contain the copyright owners name, some watermarked with the owners link to their photographic site, whenever possible, and even if the owners name is not posted we have been granted rights to show these pictures in our own right but not for members to blatantly upload to other sites as this becomes copyright infringement. If you want to upload any work shown on Town of Hartlepool please ask admin for permissions, further misuse of owners copyrighted work will lead to the member being responsible for theft of that work which carries heavy criminal penalties, your understanding of this would be greatly appreciated.
We sincerely hope this meets with your understanding so sit back, relax and enjoy……
Many, many thanks from- The Administrators of Town of Hartlepool.